Loy Krathong Festival

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“Loy Krathong” is very old traditional festival in Thailand, It has began in region of Sukhothai.

Loy krathong will be held in the evening of the full moon of the 12th month in the traditional Thai calendar, you can actually attend to Loy krathong at the river, lake, canals near by your area.


We are Thai will make our “krathong” and take them to float on the river to apologize the river and bring good luck to our life.


Last year I miss loy Krathong because I was in Vietnam so this year I’ve planed earlier that I will never miss it! I went to “Benjakitti” park in asok for loykrathong because it not far from where I live , the park quite big and not so busy, I got my Krathong which made from bread in a lovely flower configuration. The point was so the fish can eat my Krathong after it sink in the water. So I will get double luck by helping feed those hungry fish!


This is one of must – do things in Thailand if you happen to have a chance to be in Thailand during this time because we only do it once a year!

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