Bangkok charity midnight run

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Bangkok charity midnight run is organized by Amari Watergate Bangkok and BMW. It held on Saturday 19th Oct, 2013 start from midnight. There are 6 km and 12 km. distances.

bagnkok midnight charity run

I have never run such a long distance in my life, and I didn’t have much time to practicing. I must say that I only exercise about 30 minutes and maybe 2-3 times a month, and that almost kill all of my energy, I got very tired and eat a lot afterward. I was worriers that I won’t make it to the finish line. So about 3 days before the date I went to ran and walk in the park and it took me almost 2 hours and I can only ran about 4 km.


charity midnight runI and some friends meet at the BTS chidlom station, we walk from there to the start line at Amari, It was a good warm-up for us. We registered and got our number, and for some who registered earlier will also get a free shirt but we didn’t so we just paid 400 THB each and got a reward coupon.


When its midnight we started to ran from the gate. It was moving slow from the started because of many people take off in the same time, I just walking and take it easy about first 100 meters, after that the real charity run is begin. We were running toward on Pechaburi road. The entire street is block for the charity run, I suddenly thought that was really cool, I would never have a chance to run on the streets of Bangkok in the middle of the night and not get arrested. I start to feel enjoy and didn’t felt tired at all.  I finally I got to the finish line I did my 6 km in about 1 hour and it actually beyond my expectation. It was really good fun I probably join this charity run again next year!

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