Home-stay at Chanthaburi

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Chanthaburi province is located in east of Thailand, about 3 hours driving. A small city and well know in the name of “Thailand orchard”

waterfallWe started the day heading to waterfall at” Namtok Phlio National Park”, A medium scale waterfall. We bough some food and bring in the national park area and having our lunch there.

After lunch we walking around and we got some green pea to feed some fish in the waterfall, there are most hungry fish! I ever seen but that’s was fun.

We arrived at our home-stay place at afternoon, there was a small boat came to pic us up. We got a wood hut in the middle of the lagoon. Before dinner we have some time to take small tour by boat and see how do they catch a crab which going to be our dinner tonight 😀  when our dinner arrive they are just so good and especially it’s a buffet so you can ask for more as much as you wish!

buffet dinner

Our second day going easy, we having breakfast and heading to “Lung thong bai orchard”  the fee charge is 300 each include free fruits buffet and orchard tour on tram to be honest I’ve had alot durian and get little sick but it was very nice trip once with my friends.


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